Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy
Welcome to our Site. We value the rights of intellectual property and expect others to respect our rights as well. According to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, copyright owners or their agents can send us a takedown notice through our DMCA Agent. As an internet service provider, we are protected by the “safe harbor” provisions of the DMCA against infringement claims.
Notice of Infringement – Claim
- A signature of the copyright owner or an authorized person;
- Identification of the copyrighted work that has been infringed;
- Identification of the infringing material and sufficient information for us to locate it;
- Contact information of the complaining party;
- A statement of good faith belief that the material is being used without authorization;
- A statement of accuracy and authorization under penalty of perjury.
Under Title 17 USC ยง512(f), misrepresentation in a copyright infringement claim may result in penalties. Takedown notices should be sent via email for prompt attention.
By submitting a claim, you agree that your identity may be shared with the alleged infringer.
Counter Notification – Restoration of Material
If your material was taken down due to a copyright claim, you can send a counter notification to have it restored. The notification should include your signature, details of the material, a statement of belief in good faith, and consent to jurisdiction.
Send your counter notice via email for a quick response.
Repeat Infringer Policy
We have a strict policy against copyright infringement and make efforts to identify repeat offenders. Accounts of repeat infringers will be terminated.
We reserve the right to change our DMCA policy at any time. Please check back regularly for updates.